Education Policy

After surveying this vast area of 750 km from Srikakulam to Nellore in costal Andhra Pradesh, we found that the religious situation of the Muslims here is extremely critical, especially the Telugu speaking Muslims, Pathar Phod Muslims and other minorities. The condition of Muslims who are engaged in petty occupations and labor is very alarming.
The reason for this
The correct teachings of Islam do not reach these people, as a result of which shirk and bida’t and other ignorant concepts and practices are common among them, such as: idolatry, alcoholism, gambling as well as toying with marriages of sisters and daughters and the like. Many lewd and criminal things are common.
Moreover, others continue to follow the traditions of some Muslims.



JMS Alamanda SCHOOL strictly implements ” No homework policy” for classes I and II.

JMS Alamanda School   is committed to provide a stable, caring and supportive family-like environment, where students can receive mature guidance through daily interaction with able faculty and become accountable, productive, and ethical citizens with the skills to think innovatively, reason critically, communicate effectively, and respect peoples of other cultures. JMS Alamanda School is also eyeing upon providing such a resourceful learning environment where students can develop into “Citizens of the World”. JMS Alamanda school have certain objective to provide the best learning environment to our kids :

Provide a child friendly, healthy and safe atmosphere that will empower every child to overcome his/her limitations.

Provide a foundation and ensure that concepts are so well understood that they can intelligently apply them to other situations. Also expose them to practical environment where they can explore their talents.

Learning is possible only in the mirror of relationship and not in isolation. Our objective is teachers here should continuously work on creating relationships, dialogues, atmosphere of learning while through mature, affectionate and stable mentoring.

Teach to the agreed upon course objectives and provide evidence of student achievement of those objectives.

To work upon maximizing student’s potential through self development programs like Yoga, Exercises, sports, recreation and culture travel.

Inculcate a deep rooted respect in students for the environment, people and resources.

School‘s focus is on respect and self-responsibility. The management works upon creating respect and self-responsibility and provides opportunities for student’s voice to influence school decisions.

Provide professional development and technologies necessary to deliver the curriculum, to communicate, and to access, manage, and evaluate student-related information.

Knowledge is the light that guides the heart and mind